Sami Organizations

  • Sami Cultural Center of North America, serves North America, based in Duluth, Minnesota
  • US and Canada Sámi, serves North America, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Pacific Sámi Searvi, based in the Pacific Northwest
  • California Sami Searvi, based in California
  • Informal groups in Toronto, Ontario, and Hancock, Michigan
  • Extended family groups in Alaska and Northwest Territories Canada

Links of Interest

Sami Research at the University of Minnesota, Duluth.
Includes a wonderful downloadable bibliography of Sami material available at the library.

BÁIKI: The International Sámi Journal
Báiki is a major English-language source of information about Sámi arts, literature, history, spirituality, and environmental concerns. It also covers news of North American Sámi community events.

University of Texas Sami Course

Wikipedia description of Árran newsletter